Ueno, Kayoko, 2021.06.19, “Families under Surveillance: Child Abuse and Risks in Our Society,” Asian Criminological Society (ACS), 12th Annual Conference, Online hosted by Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan. 【Conference Presentation】
Ueno, Kayoko, 2018.11.08, “Intimacy Seekers: Retired Japanese in Chiang Mai,” The 5thMMC Regional Conference,” Mahidol University, Thailand.【Conference Presentation】
Ueno, Kayoko, 2016.05, “Facebook Activism and Networking among Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore” Migrant Technologies: (re)producing (un)freedoms, United Nations University, Macau.【Conference Presentation】
Ueno, Kayoko, 2016.01, “Thoughts on Implementing a Program for Employing Foreign Household Workers in Japan“Integration of Migrants and Social Policy Issues Reflections from Japan,” Korea and Thailand towards Creation of Inclusive Society, Kobe Center for Oversea Migration and Cultural Interaction.【International Workshop】
Ueno, Kayoko, 2015.03.01, “From a Closet in the Employer’s House: Facebook Activism among Foreign Domestic Workers”, International Workshop on “Intimate Lives of Labores”, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University.【Conference Presentation】
Ueno, Kayoko, 2014.07.15, “Facebook Activism by Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore”, XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan.【Conference Presentation 】
Ueno, Kayoko, 2014.07.15, “How Japan Imports Social Problems from the West: Child Abuse from the Early 20th Century to the Present”, XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan.【Conference Presentation】